International Climate and Sustainability Consultancy


Turn Climate responsibilities into Business opportunities.

Planeutral provides tailored strategic consultancy services for businesses and organisations across all industry sectors

We work with our clients to understand needs, calculate impact, provide investment strategies, build, manage and operate their transformational journey to net zero.

Helping businesses and organisations succeed in their climate ambitions

Planeutral is managing a network of experienced expert partners to provide a holistic end-to-end service to realise your company's sustainability goals.



Quantify your organisation's GHG emissions to better understand your climate impact.



Establish a tailored decarbonisation strategy, set goals and plan actions.

Climate Change

Climate Change

Access to the Planeutral network and a wide range of best-in-class solutions.

Project Development

Project Development

Planeutral develop tailored projects, or manage organisation's decarbonisation strategies with partner projects.

Project Management

Project Management

One-Stop solution to align and manage internal and external projects focussed on sustainability, climate, energy transition, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG).



Accessing leading partners in the Planeutral network to deliver novel, innovative strategies.

Your Journey to Net Zero

Net Zero

Helping your organisation to assess GHG. Realise transition to and investment into low carbon technologies and projects.


Green Business Building

Empowering your organisation to create a sustainable future.


Partnership Building

Become part of leading organisations with the ambition to transition to net zero.


Project Development

Holistic project development and management from real-estate over tree planting to green energy (solar / wind / tidal).


Sustainable Investment

Advice on strategic investments to accelerate your organisation's decarbonisation process.



Calculate your impact and turn metrics into actionable insights.

Calculate Your Impact

Planeutral will support businesses and organisations to quantify GHG emissions. Our services include initial high-level scoping and estimation, as well as in-detail scope 1, 2 and 3 analysis of operations and wider value chains.


Scope 1 and 2 Emissions

Identify and calculate Green House Gas (GHG) emissions that your organisation makes directly as well as indirectly.

Scope 3 Emissions

Scope 3 emissions tend to be the biggest contributor to an organisation's overall GHG emissions and are complex to map out and calculate. Planeutral's network of experts can help to manage this challenge.

Indonesia Reforestation Project

227,992 trees planted/protected

• Completed


Solar Power in India

Support to expand Solar EV capacity

• Ongoing


Wind Power in Thailand

Support of additional wind farms

• Completed


Haiti Reforestation Project

14,777 trees planted

• Ongoing

Manage and Operate

As a holistic service provider, Planeutral offers to manage and operate your projects to transition to net zero. Our experts will be able to design, plan, manage, and operate bespoke projects for your organisation, and deliver impact through our existing partner network.


Partner Network Projects

Accelerate the transition to net zero through investments into innovative sustainability projects in our partner network. This is the fastest way to make positive climate change contributions across a portfolio of projects including reforestation, solar, wind and others.

Sustainable Investment and Project Development

Planeutral will source and develop new projects to build tailored sustainability projects aligned with your ambitions, policies and strategy.

Planeutral is supporting global projects through partner organisations.

Madagascar Reforestation Project

More than 380 million mangrove and dry deciduous trees planted.

Working with different communities and with support from national, local, and tribal governments to reforest large areas


Haiti Reforestation Project

An agroforestry system that protects watersheds and improves food security.

The project equips local farmers with the training, tools and trees needed to grow and care while increasing their farms' production and diversity.


Nepal Reforestation Project

Improving local livelihoods and restoring forests in areas of critical importance.

The planting sites are located around Community Forests from the mountainous Nawalpur District to the lowland alluvial plains in the Terai


Kenya Reforestation Project

A 4,000-hectare protected Forest sitting just 1.5 hours from Kenya's capital.

We partner with a local forest trust, regional and national government institutions, and the surrounding communities to restore this forest.


Mozambique Reforestation Project

Supporting communities to plant forests, long-term employment and livelihood improvements.

Protects coastal communities from environmental disasters, improve fisheries, remove carbon from the atmosphere.


Indonesia Reforestation Project

Degraded mangrove forest measuring 506 hectares along the coast of Biak Island.

Restoration of mangroves and tropical forests, promoting food security by helping local people plant agroforestry trees.



Have a Positive Impact

Every organisation has the ability to transform and impact climate change positively. By taking action today, and starting the journey to assess GHG, reduce emissions, and invest into carbon capture and sequestration your organisation will be part of a sustainable future for our planet.


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